


Three new national standards were promulgated.

Release date:2020-01-20

  The past 2019 was a tormented year for the air-conditioning industry, especially Gree ’s public real-name report on Oaks, which eventually raised the problem of the air-conditioning industry ’s energy efficiency deficiencies to the national level, and as the event continued to ferment, the air-conditioning industry transformed and upgraded Become inevitable.

However, under the leadership of the air-conditioning giant Gree, the whole industry suddenly fell into the whirlpool of price wars, and the price war has been hit from the middle of the year to the end of the year. This is really interesting. On the one hand, the energy efficiency of air conditioning The false standard has aroused widespread concern. On the other hand, the price war is simple and rude. Even the real intention of the industry is to clean up the inventory and sell the old energy efficiency products. This can't help but make people wonder. What is the next air-conditioning market in 2020? Where is it heading?

In fact, for the air-conditioning industry in 2020, the industry's basic views are mixed. This is mainly based on that the domestic air-conditioning industry will usher in three new national standards in 2020, namely, the official implementation of the "Interim Provisions on the Management of Consumer Product Recall", the release of the "Standard for the Safe Use of Household Appliances" series of standards, and the new standard for air-conditioning energy efficiency-GB21455 The promulgation of “Limited Values and Levels of Energy Efficiency of Air Conditioners” has become a time bomb for the air conditioning market.

  1. "Interim Provisions on the Management of Consumer Goods Recall" was formally implemented

 On January 1, 2020, the "Interim Provisions on the Management of Consumer Product Recalls" was officially implemented, and this provision was also labeled as the "most stringent" recall policy in history. It is understood that the regulation positions consumer products as "products that consumers need to buy and use for life", appliances such as appliances, air conditioners, electricity, washing machines, kitchen appliances such as range hoods, stoves, and various small household appliances Products will be subject to regulations.

With the formal implementation of the regulation, it also means that the subsequent unqualified quality and energy efficiency of household electrical appliances that appear in the routine random inspection of the market supervision department may be required to be recalled; at the same time, users are in the process of using If the product safety and quality problems found in the batch are characterized by mass production, the manufacturer will also be forced to bear the responsibility of "recall".

Although in a substantial sense, the regulation does not only target the air-conditioning industry, but covers the entire household appliance industry, but from an effect perspective, the regulation emphasizes unqualified quality and unqualified energy efficiency. This obviously involves the air-conditioning market. Sensitive nerves.

Some media believe that the implementation of the management regulations for the recall of defective home appliances, which also means that the home appliance exam is coming as scheduled, may lead to increased pressure on the home appliance industry, including air-conditioning manufacturers, which forces air-conditioning and other home appliance manufacturers to Product quality improvement in all aspects of product development, design, manufacturing, transportation and installation.

 2. New standards for energy efficiency of air conditioners

  On January 6, 2020, the website of the National Standardization Administration officially disclosed the relevant provisions of the new energy efficiency standard for air conditioning GB 21455-2019 "Limited Values and Levels of Energy Efficiency of Room Air Conditioners". The "New Energy Efficiency Standard" stipulates that the fixed frequency air conditioner and inverter air conditioner will adopt a unified evaluation method and will only be rated according to the seasonal energy efficiency.

It is understood that the official release of the standard will replace the two old air-conditioning energy efficiency standards GB 12021.3-2010 and GB 21455-2013, and will be officially implemented on July 1, 2020. For a time, the industry conducted various interpretations of the impact of the new standards for air conditioning energy efficiency.

Reminiscent of the current vigorous price war in the air-conditioning industry, most industry insiders believe that the air-conditioning price war broke out on the eve of the implementation of the new standard for air-conditioning energy efficiency. The reason is that the air-conditioning market is digesting the previous inventory. Most of the products are stock products a year ago, and these products will be completely disqualified for sale in the near future.

Analysis from the perspective of the implementation of the new standard of air conditioning energy efficiency, although it has accelerated the digestion of the old standard air conditioner, which has led the air conditioner to enter the strange circle of price war. But what we want to make clear is that the purpose of the implementation of air-conditioning energy efficiency standards is to objectively promote the upgrade of the overall energy efficiency level of the air-conditioning industry, and to promote air-conditioning companies to follow up the layout of new energy efficiency technologies.

What is certain is that after the new standard for air-conditioning energy efficiency is officially implemented on January 7, 2020, the requirements for air-conditioning manufacturers will also increase accordingly, increasing production difficulty and manufacturing costs. From this level of analysis, this will be a good opportunity for the industry's leading brands Gree, Haier, and Midea to integrate the market and undertake the market share of the eliminated brands.

  Three, "Household Appliances Safe Use Years" series of standards released

  On January 10, 2020, the China Household Electrical Appliances Association officially released a series of standards for the "Safe Life of Household Appliances", which clarified the "lifetime" of major household electrical appliances. The standard covers eight products in six categories: air conditioners, refrigerators & wine cabinets, washing machines & dryers, range hoods, gas stoves, and electric water heaters. Among them, the safe life of air conditioners, refrigerators and wine cabinets is 10 years, and the washing machine & dryer, water heater and smoke stove are 8 years. It should be pointed out that the safe service life of air conditioners starts from the production date, and the rest from the sales date.

From the consumer's point of view, most people may not have a clear concept of the service life of home appliances, and even think that home appliances are a durable device. It is also common for them not to be broken or replaced. But what everyone does not know is that the use of home appliances beyond the safety period may not only cause problems such as reduced energy efficiency and increased power consumption, but also may cause potential safety hazards to consumers. Obviously, consumers should pay enough attention to it.

Undoubtedly, the release of the series of "Safety Life of Household Appliances" series of standards means that consumers and enterprises will have a valid basis for the product life in the future. Admittedly, in terms of the specific details of operation, home appliances reach the end of their useful life, which does not mean that the product can no longer be used, but its positive role is to guide home appliances to reach the formality after reaching the end of their useful life.

To make it clear, once the series of "Safety Life of Household Appliances" series standards are implemented, this will inevitably accelerate the rapid loan lending of the air conditioner and even the entire household appliance market, providing huge market opportunities for air conditioner production companies, thus at the demand level Expand the space of the air-conditioning market.

  to sum up

  Superimposing these three policies, the "Interim Provisions on the Management of Consumer Product Recalls" and the new standards for energy efficiency of air conditioners are more upgrades from the "quality" aspect of the air conditioning industry. The "quantity" level opens up new demand for air conditioners in the air conditioning market.

From this, it is not difficult to see that with the promulgation and implementation of these three national new standards in 2020, the domestic air-conditioning market will usher in a critical period of industrial upgrading and iteration from both "quality" and "quantity" Just like the two sides of a coin, risk and wind coexist.

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